working with Deployer

# deployedCommits for
# created by marjuqi, nov 2019
# 1. this script is designed to fetch commits in each releases folder.
# the final output will be stored in file deployedCommits.log
# 2. in the beginning of the setup, just create a dump latestCommitID.log file:
# cd /var/www/sites/PROJECT_NAME/ && echo 123456789 > latestCommitID.log
# go to the currect version of the codes
cd $projectFolder'current/'
# extract 50 latest commits from the source code and then store them into file commits.log
git log –pretty=oneline | grep -v "Merge" | head -n 50 > commits.log
# get the commitID in the first line of commits.log content and then store it into latestCommitID.log
head -1 commits.log | awk '{print $1}' > latestCommitID.log
# get latestCommitID as a commits limit
cd $projectFolder && latestCommitID=`cat latestCommitID.log`
# fetch new commits ID from the current deployment until the commits-limit reached,
# and then stored them into deployedCommits.log file
cd $projectFolder'current' && sed "/$latestCommitID/q" commits.log > deployedCommits.log
# update our latestCommitID.log, now it holds the very latest commit ID
cp -a latestCommitID.log $projectFolder'latestCommitID.log'
# in the end, every release folder has a file called "deployedCommits.log"
# thanks.

Monggo Ngomong/ Silakan Komentar/ Leave a Reply